I have resumed In-Person Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine Services.
I want to ensure I am able to provide safe treatments to everyone. I understand many of you have been in need of Acupuncture treatments & will do my best to accommodate everyone as soon as possible.
Since there is a “ new normal.” Please familiarize yourselves with the Health & Safety Updates prior to your Acupuncture Appointments:
If your needs can be satisfied by Telehealth in order to minimize unnecessary in-person visits, your visit should be conducted via Telehealth
If you have an In-Person Acupuncture appointment booked:
1. Complete the Mandatory COVID-19 – Pre-Screening Survey 24 hours
before your appointment
2. Complete the Mandatory COVID-19 – Screening Survey 30 minutes
before your appointment.
3. They will be emailed to you.
Please familiarize yourself with the following New COVID-19 Procedures:
Arrive alone
1.You must arrive alone unless you are a minor or have a disability and require assistance.
Wear a mask
1.Please arrive wearing your own mask. Any mask that covers your nose and mouth is acceptable.
The idea is to keep your droplets to yourself.
2.If you don’t have a mask you can purchase a disposable one for a small fee.
COVID-19 Pre-screening Protocol:
1. 24 hours before every appointment, you will be emailed a Mandatory COVID-19 Pre-Screening Survey to complete.
30 minutes before very appointment, you will be emailed a Mandatory COVID-19 Screening Survey to complete.
Please stay home rather than seek acupuncture treatment , if you exhibit any symptoms of Respiratory infection (even a common cold).
2.If you have any or mild symptoms of illness, Please Reschedule your appointment.
3.If you have symptoms and need to cancel your appointment in less than 24 hours,the cancellation
policy will be relaxed. Please give as much notice as possible
4.Inform me if you have traveled outside of BC in the past 14 days.
5.Upon arrival, I will review the Screening survey filled out by each person in your Jane Account.
6. Upon arrival to the Clinic, you may be requested to have your temperature taken using a contactless thermometer.
1.Arrive on time for your appointment. Please do not show up early.
2.Please Wait outside until I open the front door at your scheduled appointment time to let you in.
3.If you are going to be late please call the office 604-217-4323 for further instruction.
Wash your hands
1.Sanitize your hands and/or gloves upon entry.
2.You may also choose to wash with soap and water in the restroom.
3.Wearing gloves is fine but dirty gloves are no different than dirty hands.
COVID-19 Respect physical distancing
1.All chairs except one have been removed from the waiting room. You may use the chair if necessary
and it will be disinfected in between uses.
2.There are designated markers on the floor indicating where you can stand.
3.Appointment times have been staggered to reduce the number of people in common areas but
it is difficult to maintain 6 feet of distance in the hallway if passing.
If possible, step aside and allow others to pass.
- Please Stand behind the plexiglass barrier
- Use contactless payment whenever possible
- Please book all appointments for Victoria via my website: www.shyamajaswal.com
- All payments will be taken on arrival through your Jane Account not by Front End Staff.
New Protocols:
Please understand that while I am doing everything I can to minimize the risk of viral transmission there is no way to eliminate it. Everyone’s situation is unique and you must weigh the benefits of your interactions against the risk.
I will be doing daily self assessments and staying home if I have symptoms of illness.
When I’m not able to maintain the recommended 6 feet of distance, I will be wearing a mask and Visor if necessary.
New, more stringent sanitation and disinfection procedures have been implemented.
Hand sanitizer and tissue are provided to use as a barrier throughout the clinic. Please wash or sanitize your hands upon entering the clinic.
Please place all of your personal belongings in the bins provided in the treatment room.
Appointments are staggered to decrease the number of people in common areas at any given time.
You can read our full return to clinical practice plan