We all experience positive & negative Stress daily.
It’s a constant influence in our daily lives & has an huge
impact on our physical body & emotions.
The better we are at managing it, the easier our days go,
the healthier, more relaxed & more productive we
are.We even sleep better, have more energy & generally
feel better.
When we manage our stress & emotions, our energy
flows freely throughout our entire body. This energy
flows through channels called Meridians. When we are
out of balance, our energy becomes stuck & we
experience symptoms of various illnesses.
So if we reset our body’s energy or ‘QI’ it
becomes unstuck, flows freely & we have
more energy, sleep better, are happier &
feel better overall!
Who is the Reset for?
It’s for everyone, including kids, but it’s especially helpful for those experiencing:
Frequent illness such as colds & flues, recovering from Covid
Low Immune System
Weight gain
Brain fog
High stress
Digestive Issues
What is a Meridian Reset?
We feel our best when our energy is flowing freely in
our meridians or energy pathways. If we’re sick, tired,
moody, or in pain, it’s because we have a blockage in
one or more of our meridians.
This 5 Day Meridian Reset will:
1. boost your energy
2. support your immunity
3. help you have a restful sleep
4. regain clarity of mind
5. manage your pain
6. & get you physically & mentally back on track….& it’s something the whole family can do together.
I’d like to join the 5 Day Meridian Reset Challenge!