Acupuncture is an effective and reliable form of preventive healthcare. It is recognized as a safe and painless way to treat a wide variety of medical conditions. A registered acupuncturist will use sterile disposable fine needles at specific points on the body to treat your specific health concern. Acupuncture can improve the overall function and well-being of your body making it a valuable investment in your health.
Conditions Acupuncture can help treat:
1. Neck pain & stiffness
2. Shoulder Tension or pain
3. Frozen Shoulder
4. Back pain
5. Hip pain
6. Sciatica
7. Knee pain
8. Ankle pain
9. Tennis Elbow
10. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
11.Arthritis -Rheumatoid
12. Osteoarthritis
13. Gout