Acupuncture as a treatment for infertility shows great results both in man and women. Acupuncture can be considered as successful treatment in restoring fertility in the patients, by improving the sperm quality and ovaries function and balancing the endocrine system and hormones.
Generally speaking, if you are a woman trying to conceive, it’s very important to have a regular menstrual cycle, low stress levels, a balanced diet & regular exercise.
Pregnancy: Have a Healthy, Vibrant Pregnancy with Acupuncture
Benefits & Conditions Treated:
relieve nausea
reduce morning sickness
reduce heartburn
increase energy and reduce Fatigue
Mange & Relieve Pain: neck, shoulder, back, hip etc.
manage moods -depression, anxiety, feeling over- whelmed
improve Sleep and reduce Insomnia, fall asleep faster, wake up less frequently, sleep deeper
boost your immune system
cervical ripening
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