Please familiarize yourself with all of the information required to book Online Telehealth Appointments.
All Herbal Consultations are now offered only through online Telehealth appointments
Please familiarize yourself with all of the information required to book Online Telehealth Appointments.
All Herbal Consultations are now offered only through online Telehealth appointments
A safe & convenient way to purchase professional-grade products & have them shipped directly to you.
“Facetime or Skype” also known as Virtual or Telehealth Services is now available.
I believe that everyone should have access to TCM services REGARDLESS of where they live!
Tele-health services are currently available for anyone living ANYWHERE in the province of British Columbia.
I am a Registered Traditional Chinese Practitioner dedicated to helping my clients improve their quality of life through the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). I can provide you with a variety of TOOLS that will help you and support you, along your healing journey.
Since not everyone has the physical access to services, I decided to set up virtual Telehealth Sessions and bring TCM services to YOU!
Evidence based practice and research shows that telehealth (virtual) services is an EFFECTIVE medium to deliver TCM services with POSITIVE results.
What does this mean to you?
This means you can receive your TCM sessions in the privacy and comfort of your home and KNOW you are receiving the same quality care you would receive in the clinic.
Do you live in a remote area?
Are You too busy to leave your workplace?
Do you need services that aren’t available in your hometown?
Telehealth Services eliminate geography as the barrier to you accessing the high quality TCM services you need to help you improve your quality of life.
TCM Telehealth services are available for anyone in TWO ways:
1.CURRENTLY: Clients ONLY use virtual Telehealth services:
Clients can come to the clinic for Acupuncture treatments AND book online telehealth appointments for other sessions. I will consult with you to decide what is the most effective treatment for you health concern.
have been created for ANYONE who can’t make it to the clinic for their appointment.
This could include the following, but isn’t limited to:
You live in a remote community
You live in a community with no access to TCM services
You’re physically unable to commute to the Clinic
You can’t leave your home due to Weather Conditions
You aren’t able to leave your workplace
You’re sick, or not feeling well, but still want to connect with your TCM professional
You’re a New mom and unable to come into the clinic
Is Telehealth right for you? I understand, it’s a new way to receive your TCM services.
Book your FREE consultation session online to learn more about the virtual services, how they work and if Telehealth services are the RIGHT fit for YOU!
What you need :
Secure Video Calls:
I use a telehealth platform called Jane App that provides you with a personal one on one session with me.
It provides:
Easy to use for everyone regardless of whether you are tech savvy
Following these simple steps before your upcoming telehealth appointment will ensure you are set up for success:
I use Jane App for our telehealth appointments, prior to your session please ensure you have walked through the “log in” process in”My Account”. You only have to do this once.
1. Ensure you have a space that is clear with room to move around
2. Have a space that is well-lit
3. Camera Angle – you may be asked to shift this throughout your appointment so your therapist can observe different angles, movements or body parts
4. Ensure you are in a quiet, distraction free environment
5. Test your webcam and microphone beforehand (consider using wireless headphones/mic)
Here are your step by step guidelines to connecting with your Practitioner at the time of your online telehealth appointment
1.Visit my online booking site Click Here
2.Select the Log into “ My Account”
3.Await your practitioner
4.Be sure to “Allow” your camera and Microphone
© 2025 · Copyright Shyama Jaswal. All rights reserved.