Acupuncture is an effective & reliable form of preventive healthcare. It is recognized by the WHO – World Health Organization as a safe & painless way to treat a wide variety of medical conditions. Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners believe the human body has more than 2,000 acupuncture points connected by pathways or meridians. These pathways create an energy flow (Qi, pronounced “chee”) through the body that is responsible for overall health. Disruption of the energy flow can cause disease. By applying acupuncture to certain points, it is thought to improve the flow of Qi, thereby improving health.
Acupuncture can quickly shift you out of fight-or-flight mode and into the parasympathetic rest-and-relax mode. It sends a signal to your brain that you are safe and it can relax. This in turn allows your body to heal from stress, pain, and inflammation.
How is Acupuncture done?
A registered acupuncturist will insert sterile disposable fine needles at specific points on the body activating the “de qi” to treat your specific health concern. Acupuncture can improve the overall function and well-being of your body making it a valuable investment in your health.
Is Acupuncture IMS?
NO. IMS is dry needling.
Do you do Acupuncture or IMS or both?
I only do Acupuncture-Traditional Chinese Acupuncture requiring a Diagnosis & Treatment Plan.
What can Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine treat?
A variety of Internal & Pain conditions such as:
1. Neck Pain
2. Shoulder Pain/Frozen Shoulder
3. Headaches
4. Tennis Elbow
5. Carpal Tunnel
6.Upper Back Tension/Pain
7. Mid-back Tension/Pain
8. Low Back Pain
9. Knee Pain
10. Ankle Pain
11. Achilles Tendon Pain
& MORE….
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1. Reduce & Manage Pain
2. Reduce muscle & soft tissue Inflammation
3. Reduce Swelling
4. Increase Range of Motion
5. Increase Healthy Muscle Cell Growth
6. Increase & Promote Blood Circulation to the muscles & Soft tissues
7. De-stress & Calm your Immune System Response
8. Relax all the muscles & soft tissues
9. Relax your Body and Mind